Risk survey report: the evolving treasury ecosystem

MMC Insights Logo-01 1500 x 400Singapore – Strategic and financial risks, along with cybersecurity, will dominate the risk landscape for the next 18 to 36 months.

Singapore – Strategic and financial risks, along with cybersecurity, will dominate the risk landscape for the next 18 to 36 months. 2019 AFP Risk Survey: The Evolving Treasury Ecosystem, prepared by the Association for Financial Professionals with the support of Marsh & McLennan Insights, captures updates on the challenges facing finance and treasury professionals.

The survey reflects the views of nearly 400 treasury professionals and highlights how the function is focused on ensuring there is a capital structure in place that fulfills their organization’s underlying goals as they navigate the deep disruption occurring across all economic sectors. Treasury and financial professionals are also very aware of the extent of cyber attacks and attempts at fraud and data theft of their organization’s financial and customer data.

Despite these challenges, sentiments about the risks landscape are evolving as 37% of treasury professionals report their organization is exposed to greater uncertainty compared to three years ago. By contrast, this figure was at 49% in last year’s survey.

This year’s survey also examined the how the treasury ecosystem is increasing its use of non-traditional vendors such as fintechs.

The ABA invites its members to download the report to fully appreciate valuable information affecting treasury management in the near future.

The report can be downloaded HERE.


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