Request for representatives in the ABA Policy Advocacy Committee

As part of ABA efforts to further strengthen the policy advocacy work of the Asian Bankers Association, ABA would like to request bank members to nominate representatives to the ABA Policy Advocacy Committee.

The Policy Advocacy Committee was created by the ABA Board of Directors in 1999 to discuss, develop and advocate positions to be taken by the association on policy issues affecting its members and the banking industry in general.

Since its creation, the Committee has done considerable work in several areas, including (a) local currency bond market development; (b) the development of domestic credit rating agencies; (c) the Basel II Framework; (d) promoting regional convergence toward IFRS; (e) insolvency law and informal workouts; and (f) corporate governance; (g) financial inclusion and microfinance; (h) credit reporting systems; (i) global financial crisis, (j) lessons from the sovereign debt issue in Greece; (k) the Basel III Framework; (l) disaster-preparedness and recovery; (m) FATCA implications; (n) promoting financial literacy; and (o) promoting organizational transformation. Through these, the ABA was able to make significant contributions to the work of regional and international policy-making and regulatory bodies.

As you may know, any Committee is only as strong and effective as its members. We are therefore looking for representative/s for the ABA Policy Advocacy Committee who: (a) have a strong interest and commitment to actively participate in policy advocacy work of the ABA; (b) are willing travel at least twice a year to attend meetings of the Committee; and (c) have adequate knowledge of and familiarity with current policy issues of interest to banks and bankers in the region.

Please send us the names and contact details of your designated representatives to the ABA Policy Advocacy Committee by downloading the Nomination Form, and sending it back to us through our Fax No. (886 2) 2760-7569, or by e-mail at

It would be highly appreciated if your organization could designate at least two representatives for the Committee.

We hope to hear from you by January 15, 2020 if possible.

Thank you for your continued strong support for the ABA and its activities.

Sincerely yours,

Ernest Lin
Asian Bankers Association

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Special Feature

Bankers' Corner: new sharing feature in ABA website

The ABA introduces the “Bankers’ Corner”, a new feature of the ABA website designed to provide a platform for members to post information or materials that you may wish to share with other members of the Association or anyone who may be interested in them. We encourage members to take advantage of this platform and send your materials to the ABA Secretariat through