Invitation to ABA Planning Committee Meeting on February 28, 2020 in Negombo, Sri Lanka

77 Hatton National Bank HNB Corporate Logo 380 x 100The Asian Bankers Association is pleased to invite its members to attend the ABA Planning Committee Meeting to be hosted by Hatton National Bank (HNB) on February 28, 2020 in Negombo, Sri Lanka

To be chaired by ABA Chairman Mr. Jonathan Alles, Managing Director and CEO of HNB, the meeting will have the following primary objectives:

  1. To discuss preparations for the 37th ABA General Meeting and Conference tentatively scheduled sometime in November 2020 in Negombo. Discussions will focus on the final dates and venue of the Conference, theme and topics for the Conference, suggested format and program, possible line-up of speakers, and other related matters.
  1. To review the progress of activities under the ABA Work Program for 2020-2021, including those in the area of policy advocacy.

The Tentative Agenda/Program of the meeting is shown below.

Further information on the meeting – exact venue, annotated updated agenda, discussion papers, hotel booking procedure, etc. – will be communicated as soon as members confirm attendance.

In the meantime, may we request you to already pencil in the meeting date into your February 2020 calendar of events.

The ABA would like to once again count on its members’ participation for the successful outcome of this important meeting. Your valuable inputs on how we can make our 2020 annual gathering productive and meaningful for all members would be most appreciated.

May we request to kindly confirm members’ attendance by returning to Confirmation Form through our Fax No. (886 2) 2760 7569 or our e-mail address at, if possible on or before January 31, 2020.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in Negombo, Sri Lanka.

With best regards.

Sincerely yours,


Ernest Lin
Asian Bankers Association


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