5th webinar on Trade-based Money Laundering on February 5th 2020 – Register now

The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) would like to invite members, associates, and friends to participate in the free webinar on “Trade-Based Money Laundering – Emerging Risks & Mitigating Responses” to be held on February 5, 2020 from 11:00am to 12:00 noon, Indian Standard time.

To be conducted by Fintelekt Advisory Services Ltd., the webinar is the first of the AML/CFT Webinar Series 2020 jointly organized by Fintelekt and ABA. It is built on the highly successful AML/CFT Webinar Series 2019.

The February 5 webinar will specifically discuss the following key issues:

  • Trends in trade mis-invoicing and TBML
  • Emerging areas of risk within TBML
  • Challenges in detecting TBML activities
  • Changes in regulatory expectations
  • Strengthening the mitigating responses by banks

Ms. Arpita Bedekar, Director of Marketing at Fintelekt Advisory Services will be the webinar host. She will be moderating the discussion of two prominent speakers, Lakshmi Kumar, Policy Director at Global Financial Integrity and Shafath Mujawar, Faculty member at Fintelekt Advisory Services.

Just like the 2019 webinar series, we expect the 2020 series to draw a large international audience of more than 200 ABA members and non-members, and provide a convenient learning opportunity for AML compliance officers from the banking industry in Asia. We therefore invite you to share this invitation with other relevant departments in your organization.

After the webinar, participants will be invited to complete an assessment of the session. Those who complete the assessment exercise will be sent Certificates of Participation.

For registration, please click HERE. Registration deadline is February 4, 2020.



Fintelekt Advisory Services is a specialist in research, training and advisory on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) in Asia. It produces industry research, fosters dialogue and creates opportunities for knowledge sharing between senior executives from banking, financial services and insurance.

We therefore encourage you and your colleagues to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from Fintelekt’s knowledge and experience in addressing key AML/CFT challenges within Asia.

Should you have further questions, please write to aba@aba.org.tw

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