Short-Term Visiting Program in Tokyo hosted by SMBC on February 20-21, 2024

The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) is inviting ABA member banks to participate in the upcoming Short-Term Visiting Program to be hosted by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) on February 20-21, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.

The primary objective of ABA’s short-term visiting program is to provide member banks the opportunity to study and undergo training on specific aspects of the operations and facilities of the more advanced host banks (such as SMBC). The idea is to enable the visitors to: (i) enhance and upgrade their technical skills and knowledge in specific areas such as international banking, treasury activities, investment, and foreign exchange in the distinct and peculiar social, economic and business environment of the host country, and (ii) gain first-hand knowledge of the operations and work procedures of the host bank’s various line departments.


I. Proposed Venue

The training program is tentatively scheduled to take place at the SMBC Head Office East Tower, which is located at 3-2, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005.


II. Tentative Agenda

Day 1 (February 20 Tuesday)

9:15 Gathering at SMBC East Tower

9:30-9:45 Opening Remarks (from SMBC and Participants)

9:45-10:55 Introduction from SMBC and Participants

11:00-12:00 Lecture 1: About Global Banking Unit

12:00-13:00 Lunch (Japanese lunch box)

13:00-13:50 Lecture 2: Sustainability (SMBC initiatives for ESG)

14:00-14:45 Head Office Tour

15:00-15:50 Lecture 3: Market overview by SMBC economist

16:00-16:50 Lecture 4: Digital or Compliance related

16:50-17:30 Closing Remarks from SMBC executive.
Presentation of Certificates of Attendance to Participants

17:30-18:30 Exchange reception at SMBC East Tower


Day 2 (February 21 Wednesday)

9:30 Gathering

10:00-12:00 Branch tour

12:00-13:00 Lunch (TBC)

13:30-14:30 External Visit to Bank of Japan / Tokyo Stock Change (TBC)

15:00-16:00 External Visit to Japanese Bankers Association (TBC)


III. Accommodation

SMBC has recommended the following six hotels for participants, you may book directly with the hotel of your choosing,

(1) Hotel Name: Palace Hotel Tokyo (Next to SMBC H/O)
Address: 1-1-1, Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Japan

(2) Hotel Name: Marunouchi Hotel (10min walk from SMBC H/O)
Address: 1-6-3, Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Japan

(3) Hotel Name: Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo Marunouchi (12min walk from SMBC H/O)
Address: 1-7-12 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan

(4) Hotel Name: Mitsui Garden Hotel Otemachi (15min walk from SMBC H/O)
Address: 2-1-2 Uchi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0047, Japan

(5) Hotel Name: The Tokyo Station Hotel (15min walk from SMBC H/O)
Address: 1-9-1, Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0005

(6) Hotel Name: Hotel Ryumeikan Tokyo (15min walk from SMBC H/O)
Address: 1-3-22, Yaesu Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0028 Japan


IV. Participation Fee

There is no fee for ABA members. Non-ABA members will be charged USD 200. Participants shall cover their airfare and hotel accommodation.

We encourage your bank to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from SMBC’s experience in several key banking operations. Please request your participant to fill out the Google Form, if possible before January 20, 2024.

Should you have further questions, please contact


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