“Facing the Crisis: COVID-19 Webinar Series” from International Hospital Federation

The Asian Bankers Association invites its members, partners and friends to join the “Facing the Crisis: COVID-19 Webinar Series” being organized by the International Hospital Federation (IHF) over the next few days. Please visit https://www.ihf-fih.org/home?event_type=1 for the schedule of and to register for the upcoming webinars.

The IHF is an international not for profit, non-governmental membership organization. Its members are worldwide hospitals and healthcare organizations having a distinct relationship with the provision of healthcare. The IHF provides its members with a platform for the exchange of knowledge and strategic experience as well as opportunities for international collaborations with different actors in the health sector.

Thank you, and best regards.

Sincerely yours,


Ernest Lin
Asian Bankers Association

2019 1031 ABA

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