“Fraud & Financial Crime Asia 2022 Conference” on July 13-14

The Asian Bankers Association (ABA) would like to invite members, associates and friends to join the “Fraud & Financial Crime Asia 2022 Conference” to be held on July 13-14.

The two-day hybrid Conference, with the event on July 13 being organized virtually and in-person on July 14 in Singapore, is aimed at helping fraud and financial crime practitioners obtain a comprehensive view of the regulatory landscape, the latest tactics used by illicit actors, and how the industry is addressing financial crime risk. The programme will feature over 45 speakers on topics covering fraud risk, sanctions, AML practices, shell company abuse, crypto-related crime, environmental crime, corruption and bribery, and TBML, to name a few.  To know more about the programme, interested parties may check the following link: Fraud & Financial Crime Asia 2022.

As ABA is Supporting Organization of the event, ABA members from financial institutions, including banks, asset managers, regulators, policy makers and exchanges, are free to attend and may register via the following link: Register.

For ABA members who are from law/consulting/tech firms, they can enjoy the 25% off discounted delegate fee with Promo codes: ‘RAABA25’ by confirming their participation through the bottom below: Register .

If ABA members are interested in attending the in-person event on July 14 in Singapore, please submit your details here.

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